One world, one god, many names, many faces.
Astrology is at the heart of every religion (past and present) on the planet:
Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek, Roman, Zoroastrian, Mithraism, Druids, Norse, Mayan, Aztec, Inca
Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, the Tao
THOTH: (August 29-September 27) He is the god of Learning.
HORUS: (September 28-October 27) He is the god of the Shining Sun.
WADJET: (October 28-November 26) She is the goddess of the royal cobra, Knowledge.
SEKHMET: (November 27-December 26) She is the goddess of War and Rivalry.
SPHINX: (December 27-January 25) He is the Treasure Guardian.
SHU: (January 26-February 24) He is the god of Air/Wind.
ISIS: (February 25-March 26) She is the goddess of Discipline.
OSIRIS: (March 27-April 25) He is the god of the Netherworld.
AMUN: (April 26-May 25) He is the King of the Gods.
HATHOR: (May 26-June 24) She is the goddess of the Earth and the Sky, and Love.
PHOENIX: (June 25-July 24) He is the Bird of Life and Resurrection.
ANUBIS: (July 25-August 28) He is the Guardian of the Netherworld.
At first, there was only Nun. Nun was the dark waters of Chaos.
[Feminine Energy]
One day, a hill rose up out of the waters. This hill was called Ben-Ben.
[Masculine Energy]
On this hill stood Atum, the first god. (also known as Atem)
[This is where we get the word 'atom' from; the basis of physical reality]
Atum coughed and spat out:
Shu (the god of air)
and Tefnut (the goddess of moisture).
[Platonic Solids/Elements of Air and Water]
Shu and Tefnut had two children:
First, Geb (the god of earth);
Second, Nut (the goddess of the sky).
[Platonic Solids/Elements of Earth and Fire]
Shu lifted up Nut so that she became a canopy over Geb.
[The Stars and Constellations of the Zodiac]
Nut and Geb had 4 children:
Osiris (the god of the afterlife, underworld, dead, and rebirth),
Isis (the goddess of love, magic, fertility, and healing),
Set [also known as Seth] (the god of evil, desert, storms, and infertility),
and Nephthys (the goddess of divine assistance).
[Representing the 4 seasons; Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn]
Osiris was the King of the Earth and Isis was the Queen.
Osiris was a good King and ruled over the Earth for many years.
However, everything was not well.
Seth was jealous of Osiris because he wanted to be the ruler of the Earth.
He grew angrier and angrier, until one day, he killed Osiris.
Osiris went down into the underworld,
and Seth remained on Earth, becoming King.
Osiris and Isis had one son, Horus (the god of the sky and the sun).
Horus battled against Seth, defeating him, and regaining the throne.
This left Horus as the King of the Earth,
and Osiris as the King of the Underworld.
The goddess Wadjet represents Horus' right eye, the eye of the Sun.
The god of wisdom; its mirror image, Horus' left eye, was representative of the Moon.
The Wadjet is a powerful symbol of protection.
It is also known as the 'eye of Horus' or the 'all-seeing eye'.
Horus' eyes were said to be the Sun and the Moon.
However, he is strongly associated with the Sun (Ra, god of the sun).
While Thoth, (the god of wisdom), is strongly associated with the Moon.
In the myth, during a battle between Horus and Set, Horus' left eye was torn out.
Thoth then restored his eye, at which point it was given the name Wadjet.
(Wadjet meaning 'whole' or 'healthy')
In this myth, it is Horus' left eye that represents the waxing and waning phases of the moon.
Remember that the Eye of Horus shows the Fibonacci sequence, Phi |
Below, you will see what the zodiac looks like when it's connected together.
They look the same. This is because they are both formed out of 12 points.
(12 notes/12 constellations)
Below is the Tree of Life, connecting ideas from Christianity and Judaism with the zodiac:
Sun (Son, Jesus), in the center |
Twelve Greek Gods (Zeus in the center) |
Mayan Astrology |
Chinese Zodiac |
DNA Dynamics |
Just as unity was shown through music (in my earlier post),
the same unity can be seen in astrology (therefore, in all religions).
The Universe exists in Harmony.
For more information, look up Pythagoras and the Music of the Spheres (Musica Universalis).
[It is also interesting to note that we have 12 months in a year]
the same unity can be seen in astrology (therefore, in all religions).
The Universe exists in Harmony.
For more information, look up Pythagoras and the Music of the Spheres (Musica Universalis).
[It is also interesting to note that we have 12 months in a year]
The sound is not important in the following video, so I recommend muting it. Up to you, though.
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