Thursday, August 25, 2011

Introduction: Every Part Contains the Whole

The focus of this blog is to present information I have discovered through research and experience. The theme of the information I'm going to be sharing is connection. Although we all take separate paths, our destination and origin are the same: LOVE. I am going to put forth the perspective that the universe and everything in it is essentially love. I will also argue that knowledge is at the heart of love.

Every Part Contains the Whole: This is equivalent to Einstein's relativity theory.
Everything is relative to the observer.
Your mind=your reality; there is no wrong answer,
so stop arguing with one another
and live in peace, harmony, light, and love.

"The religion of the future will be cosmic religion. It will transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology."
~Albert Einstein

I am not asking you to believe what I'm telling you on this website, I simply ask that you experience the information for yourself. Anything is possible.



Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Science and The Seed of Life

Take a look at the images below and note anything familiar you see in this pattern.
The Seed of Life
within the Flower of Life
Metatron's Cube

The truth is, everything we can observe with the human eye contains this pattern, otherwise known as the seed of life, flower of life, or Metatron's cube.

Mathematics is the most definite part of our reality (2+2 always equals 4 and never equals anything else), which is why the sciences are based around it.

In Physics, which studies how the universe behaves, we have discovered that all matter is, on a basic level, made up of an arrangement of atoms. Interestingly, quantum theory has shown that in order for a subatomic particle to exist in space and time, it must be observed. This will be important later on. Characteristically, atoms look like the seed of life:

On the larger scale of physics (astronomy), all planets, stars, moons, galaxies, etc, rotate in a circular pattern, and are spherical in shape. 

In Chemistrythe basic unit is also the atom. Notice on the periodic table of elements, each element has an atomic number. The atomic number corresponds to the number of protons in the nucleus, and each chemical we know of has a unique atomic number. (example: Hydrogen's atomic number is 1, Helium's is 2, etc.). Here we can see the breakdown of some fundamentals of chemistry and physics: (image taken from Wikipedia)
Levels of magnification:
1. Macroscopic level – Matter
2. Molecular level
3. Atomic level – Protons, neutrons, and electrons
4. Subatomic level – Electron
5. Subatomic level – Quarks
6. String level       

Atoms (Molecules):

In Biology, cells are the basic unit of life, forming all living organisms. Both plants and animals form from an embryo, which is made up of an arrangement of cells...let's take a look at the stages of embryo development, starting from the moment the sperm enters the egg:
Once a living organism is fully grown, it still contains this basic shape:
The Vitruvian Man (Da Vinci):


DNA: The blueprint for life

The above shows that the way we observe reality is mathematical (geometrical) in nature. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Eternal Flower of Life

Okay so just to clear things up, I'm going to go into the specifics of the flower of life and explain how it is formed. 

The Flower of Life was not created. It just is. It is mathematics; math wasn't created; it just is so.

Plato referred to the Flower of Life as the "eternal archetype." To take a direct quote from his Timaeus,

"First, I must distinguish between that which always is and never becomes and which is apprehended by reason and reflection, and that which always becomes and never is and is conceived by opinion with the help of sense. All that becomes and is created is the work of a cause, and that is fair which the artificer makes after an eternal pattern, but whatever is fashioned after a created pattern is not fair. Is the world created or uncreated?--that is the first question. Created, I reply, being visible and tangible and having a body, and therefore sensible; and if sensible, then created; and if created, made by a cause, and the cause is the ineffable father of all things, who had before him an eternal archetype. For to imagine that the archetype was created would be blasphemy, seeing that the world is the noblest of creations, and God is the best of causes. And the world being thus created according to the eternal pattern is the copy of something; and we may assume that words are akin to the matter of which they speak. What is spoken of the unchanging or intelligible must be certain and true; but what is spoken of the created image can only be probable; being is to becoming what truth is to belief. And amid the variety of opinions which have arisen about God and the nature of the world we must be content to take probability for our rule, considering that I, who am the speaker, and you, who are the judges, are only men; to probability we may attain but no further."
*I will dedicate an entire post to Plato along with interpretations*

Below, you will find how the flower of life is formed, and begin to understand its significance and eternal qualities. 
*If you would like to draw it yourself, check out this link.*

The Circle:
We know that the universe is infinitely expanding, and most scientists agree that it is flat. The circle is infinite, having no beginning and no end. In order to measure it, we must use π (pi; 3.14...), which is an irrational number that never ends or repeats. Pi is the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter.

The Vesica Piscis:
 Two circles with the same radius, intersecting so that
the center of one circle lies on the circumference of the other. 
Turning the vesica piscis on it's side, we see a familiar shape: the eye.
Mathematically, measuring the vesica piscis also involves infinite numbers. The ratio of its width to its height will always be \sqrt{3}.  (click here to see the first 100,000 places of the square root of three)

The Trinity:
This is formed by intersecting three circles with one another, which also creates three vesica piscis. The trinity is symbolic as the Holy Trinity, consisting of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. I like to interpret it as the trinity of mind, body, and spirit.

Ichthys: The Greek word for "fish"
Also, here is the "Jesus Fish" symbol used
in the Christian faith 


The Flower of Life:
7 overlapping circles
And the flower of life is complete! 
Although, you could continue to make circles infinitely in any direction:
Note that this image is within a larger vesica piscis,
and you will really begin to see its holographic nature
(every part contains the whole,
no matter how much you zoom in or zoom out) 
This is a one-dimensional image of the Tube Torus,
 which is the basis for the study of vortex forms in physics. 
Vortices will be important later on. 
The Tube Torus is formed by duplicating all the lines in the seed of life.

Here is a 3-dimensional depiction:


61 circles to 13 circles

(For more information, click here.)

Formed by drawing lines from the center of every circle 
to the center of every other circle in the Fruit of Life.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Metatron's Cube

Metatron is an angel recognized in both the Jewish and Christian religions as the Heavenly Scribe. 
Metatron's Cube is significant for many reasons I will explain below:


in geometry, are regular convex polyhedrons.
All of their faces, edges, vertices, and angles are congruent.
There are 5 of them.
They are named after Plato because he theorized that there are 5 elements, 
all constructed out of regular solids.

Interestingly, in chemistry, it has been discovered that
every element in the periodic table can be fit molecularly
to fit one or all of the platonic solids.

Quote from Timaeus:

"The first will be the simplest and smallest construction, and its element is that triangle which has its hypotenuse twice the lesser side. When two such triangles are joined at the diagonal, and this is repeated three times, and the triangles rest their diagonals and shorter sides on the same point as a centre, a single equilateral triangle is formed out of six triangles ; and four equilateral triangles, if put together, make out of every three plane angles one solid angle, being that which is nearest to the most obtuse of plane angles ; and out of the combination of these four angles arises the first solid form which distributes into equal and similar parts the whole circle in which it is inscribed. The second species of solid is formed out of the same triangles, which unite as eight equilateral triangles and form one solid angle out of four plane angles, and out of six such angles the second body is completed. And the third body is made up of 120 triangular elements, forming twelve solid angles, each of them included in five plane equilateral triangles, having altogether twenty bases, each of which is an equilateral triangle. The one element [that is, the triangle which has its hypotenuse twice the lesser side] having generated these figures, generated no more ; but the isosceles triangle produced the fourth elementary figure, which is compounded of four such triangles, joining their right angles in a centre, and forming one equilateral quadrangle. Six of these united form eight solid angles, each of which is made by the combination of three plane right angles ; the figure of the body thus composed is a cube, having six plane quadrangular equilateral bases. There was yet a fifth combination which God used in the delineation of the universe."

"To earth, then, let us assign the cubical form ; for earth is the most immoveable of the four and the most plastic of all bodies, and that which has the most stable bases must of necessity be of such a nature. Now, of the triangles which we assumed at first, that which has two equal sides is by nature more firmly based than that which has unequal sides ; and of the compound figures which are formed out of either, the plane equilateral quadrangle has necessarily, a more stable basis than the equilateral triangle, both in the whole and in the parts. Wherefore, in assigning this figure to earth, we adhere to probability ; and to water we assign that one of the remaining forms which is the least moveable ; and the most moveable of them to fire ; and to air that which is intermediate. Also we assign the smallest body to fire, and the greatest to water, and the intermediate in size to air ; and, again, the acutest body to fire, and the next in acuteness to, air, and the third to water. Of all these elements, that which has the fewest bases must necessarily be the most moveable, for it must be the acutest and most penetrating in every way, and also the lightest as being composed of the smallest number of similar particles : and the second body has similar properties in a second degree, and the third body in the third degree. Let it be agreed, then, both according to strict reason and according to probability, that the pyramid is the solid which is the original element and seed of fire ; and let us assign the element which was next in the order of generation to air, and the third to water. We must imagine all these to be so small that no single particle of any of the four kinds is seen by us on account of their smallness : but when many of them are collected together their aggregates are seen. And the ratios of their numbers, motions, and other properties, everywhere God, as far as necessity allowed or gave consent, has exactly perfected, and harmonised in due proportion."


1) Tetrahedron
1 dimension
4 sides
4 vertices
Element: FIRE

In Metatron's Cube

Star Tetrahedron (Merkabah)

2) Hexahedron (Cube)

2 dimensions
6 sides
8 vertices
Element: EARTH
In Metatron's Cube

3) Octahedron

3 dimensions
8 sides
6 vertices
Element: AIR
In Metatron's Cube

4) Icosahedron
4 dimensions
20 sides
12 vertices
Element: WATER
In Metatron's Cube

5) Dodecahedron
5 dimensions
12 sides
20 vertices

In Metatron's Cube

These elements (earth, fire, air, water, and universe/void/ether) make up our observable physical reality.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Earth

The earth itself has a magnetic field that looks like the flower of life...Interestingly, along all magnetic lines (otherwise known as ley lines) surrounding the globe, there are ancient sites. Here are a few maps:


Our Planetary Grid

Celtic Trails of Scotland

The Southern England "Michael Line"

Great Vatican Jesuit Leyline
System of WWII (1939-1945)


Earth's Magnetic Field:

National Geographic
It shows what the North Pole looks like from the International Space Station.  

In this image, you can see Stonehenge and Cairo (Egyptian Pyramids)
 and the key nodal points they are located at.
 Sacred sites around the globe have this geometric relationship.
This also just so happens to be our consciousness grid.

If Alaska is the northern most point:

G=Great Pyramid
A=Angkor Wat
V=Anatom Island
E=Easter Island

Included in the link above are coordinates of these sites,
along with links to information about each ancient site and its significance.

(as in sine, cosine, and tangent)

To see more of these, check out the link I provided above.


Here's an interesting link.


"Most cultures have traditions and words to describe the straight, often geometric alignments that ran across ancient landscapes, connecting both natural and sacred prehistoric structures together. Usually the names given to represent these invisible lines are translated to an equivalent of 'spirit', 'dream', or 'energy' paths. However, apart from the physical presence of the sites themselves, proving the presence of a 'connection' between them is something that researchers have found notoriously elusive.

Amongst the widely differing (and often simplistic) theories that attempt to explain why ley-lines and landscape alignments first appeared, the following theories probably say as much about us now as at any time in the past, yet we are bound to acknowledge and respect the following writers opinions and conclusions as 'they', the following few, are the giants upon whose shoulders this field of  study current sits."